The games we have designed! Please click on this link to access them.
Test Your Reflexes
This game requires the user to click on the shapes and icons as they appear on the screen with their cursor as fast as they can. A time will then appear that reflects how long they took in seconds. You can play as many times as you would like! We advise someone to accompany the user as they navigate the rules and understand.
Match The Shape
This game requires the user to match the shape in its visual form to its corresponding name in text form. A screen will appear that identifies how many the person could match correctly. You can play as many times as you would like! We advise someone to accompany the user as they navigate the rules and understand.
Identify The Image
This game requires the user to identify which common object the image shows from multiple-choice options in a series of questions. A screen will appear that identifies how many the person could match correctly. You can play as many times as you would like! We advise someone to accompany the user as they navigate the rules and understand.
Answer The Question
We have designed a list of questions that target all types of memory, including implicit, explicit, long-term, and short-term. We are still working on automating this process so we hope an individual can accompany the Parkinson’s patient to ask them these questions and record their performance.
The questions can be found in this link
A template depicting how to record performance manually can be found here